Monday, November 2, 2009

So Many Heads And No Available Crowns...

What a sight for sore sighs...three men who would be king, each of them without access to a most coveted crown. The Prince of Wales and Camilla have arrived in St. John's. (We all have a pretty good idea of how long Charles is likely to wait.)

But what of the other two pretenders of the realm? Prince Stephen fancies the idea of lording it over all he surveys but so far, Canadians have thought otherwise. Three cheers for reasoned common sense!

And what would be a royal reunion without the aspirant to the throne of the Rock. Prince Danny has already issued a few choice proclamations -- just ask any and everyone who happens to be smarting in the land of the fleur-de-lys. (I'll bet they're more than willing to light Danny's fire!)

In short, it requires an expert of the highest calibre to correctly fashion crowns for what could potentially be extremely swelled heads.

Break out the ermine robes, sceptres and champagne. The royals are in for a hell of a good time.


  1. I see you still frequent Nik's. Parnel keeps trying to derail the blog but this brusmit is eating denialists for breakfast.

    It is funny and tragic the host is not interested in banning his IP to eliminate the 20 fake accounts.

    Best of luck in 2010.

  2. CanadianSense,

    Thank you. Same to you. Back home now. With lessons learned. Not necessarily wiser but at least, no longer on a course toward further disillusionment...
