Saturday, July 10, 2010

Liberal Donations.

Fellow Liberals,

Please set me straight -- I thought the purpose of our donations was to build up as quickly as possible a political war chest with which to fight a reasonably imminent election. That's why I've anted up these past two years.

Did I miss a memo? Are we really sending our money to Ottawa for some other purpose other than election preparedness? Is the party content to sit on the sidelines for another three years before making the slightest move to oust the Harper government? If that's really the plan, count me out. My cash will stay right there, nice and warm in my pocket.

As Trudeau likely would have said, "What gives?"...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Poor Don Martin...

It's safe to say that this Canada Day will more than likely not be one of the most memorable -- or pleasant for Don Martin!

Writing in The National Post, he had this to say yesterday:

"If Mr. Harper does call on Her Majesty to announce the vice-regal replacement on this tour, here’s hoping he steers clear of unworthy patronage payoffs or former politicians.

Support for this monarch is rooted partly in her dignified personality more than the position itself. For monarchist Harper, the best way to keep that sentiment alive is to choose a royal representative with charisma and class over political credentials."

All I can say is that loud sound you hear is not a vuvuzela (or even a Carnaval de Québec) horn! Rather, it's the noise of all that air coming out of Don's cherished balloon...