Thursday, April 1, 2010

Prime Minister: Will It Be A Stomach Pump With That?

The calculus is really quite simple: this Prime Minister can have his electoral poison straight up -- or he can let the splendid agony go on for much longer and eventually take his dose thanks to a more effective time-released formula!

You know the drill: Afghanistan, Abortion, otherwise known as the Double A Whamee! Hard to crawl out from under those unpleasant rocks...yes, these aren't exactly heady times for Liberals but that's beside the point.

Liberals aren't the incumbent government. Liberals aren't still beating the bushes vainly in search of that ever elusive majority. It isn't the Liberal Party that's responsible for this country going in the wrong "direction". Liberals aren't rapidly becoming known as the Wrong Track Express Out Of Ottawa...

Here's an idea: why don't we finally just call it a day and have ourselves an old-fashioned election. Let the people decide. Surely, no one can have any bones about that.

Swallow hard and then pay a visit to the lady some would rather not see. It will only hurt for a short while -- mostly going down and then it will be all over, at least, politically speaking.


  1. Ronald,

    with the opposition chasing Helena in QP instead of real issues what is the rush?

    1) Speaker Ruling: Vote for Contempt on documents need to be "aired out" first
    2) The Liberals have demostrated they don't have any confidence in returning to the Polls to introduce their solutions.

    Opposition days were wasted and the senate can't save the votes for Bills introduced.

    The fun is only starting to begin.

    800 page Bill, Gun Registry, Democratic Reform 30+ seats.

    This is the time for the opposition parties to defend their positions with votes of confidence for or against the CPC agenda.

    I look forward to Ignatieff display of tactical brilliance from the Liberals of drawing another line in sand daring the government to cross.

  2. CanadianSense,

    This is indeed a momentous day for our internet relationship! Quite frankly, I never thought it would come -- but I want to say that I'm going to post part of your last comment below. Who would have thought that I would be ENDORSING IT WHOLEHEARTEDLY AND WITHOUT ANY RESERVATION WHATSOEVER...

    Here it goes:

    "This is the time for the opposition parties to defend their positions with votes of confidence for or against the CPC agenda."

  3. Thanks, it is only fair to ask them to put up or shut up. Enough of the silly games.

    Enough of the complaining about the four years if you refuse to introduce different policies when they hold the majority.

    Our support in the democratic role of MP in Parliament is suffering because they won't act responsibly.
