Saturday, July 10, 2010

Liberal Donations.

Fellow Liberals,

Please set me straight -- I thought the purpose of our donations was to build up as quickly as possible a political war chest with which to fight a reasonably imminent election. That's why I've anted up these past two years.

Did I miss a memo? Are we really sending our money to Ottawa for some other purpose other than election preparedness? Is the party content to sit on the sidelines for another three years before making the slightest move to oust the Harper government? If that's really the plan, count me out. My cash will stay right there, nice and warm in my pocket.

As Trudeau likely would have said, "What gives?"...


  1. This morning your posts on the 308 made me laugh. I did a post about the refusal to give up Fairytale by some in the Liberal heartland of Toronto and Montreal.

  2. CanadianSense,

    Your confidence in my views is inspiring!

  3. ROD, the party war chest needs to be there because an election could come any time at the whim of our dictator. He is currently under serious pressure for his stupidity on the census issue and a few other things are looming, like an economic downturn.

    Iggy is ready and well within shouting distance poll wise,which also scares the hell out of the reformatorts.
    That being said the Libs would be wise to hold off until next spring when conditions will be very ripe for them this current gang of useless muppets hangs on for dear life.

  4. Terence,

    The OLO's view is not mine. Doesn't mean I'm right. But the last time I checked, deliberate and protracted delay was not generally known as a fundamental building block for inspiring voter confidence. Something in the last year's polling seems to suggest that I may in fact be right. (Think of the double party stall.) I just hope we don't come to sorely regret the COS' strategy.

    They plan on outmanoeuvering us and going in 2012. Our job is to make damned sure they NEVER, EVER get to implement that tactical strategy.

  5. ROD, they maybe trying to outmanoeuvering us by waiting until 2012 but it appears they are almost self destructing every time Harper opens his mouth. In spite of what the Tory mouthpieces and so called statistical experts claim Iggy is well poised to take the next election. In relative terms his poll numbers are now rose than Harpo's were at a similar time. let's remember Harper only won the first time becasue of Adscam. He now has his own albatross, several of them actually, and we need to hammer those home at the right time.

    I'm like you and want to go now, but I also see the viewpoint that next spring could be better for us. The economy is showing signs of a double dip and when the Tory party is stifling huge dissent internally over things like the census issue it bodes well for us.

  6. Terence,

    Here's why we're both right, IMHO, and the COS is wrong: all the way through since the last election and right past Prorogation I and II, we've only started to firm up. They are a tired government after 4+ years. What we need to do is let Jack and Gilles perform their usual theatrics in October. As soon as they have publicly stated that they are prepared to defeat this government, then we finally lower the boom and knock 'em right out of the ball park.

    Remember, they even did a lot better than tread water during The Great Recession. There is a lesson to be learned there for some fellow Liberals. When the iron is hot, you use it. You don't let it cool down thinking that you can get a lot more heat out of it later...
