Sunday, August 29, 2010

Of Bluff And Bluster?

Hasn't that film been running for almost five years now? Actors have changed along the way but much of the cast remains intact since 2006. Hmm. And what have we got to show for it?

We have a government advancing its political agenda (such as it regrettably is) one torturous molehill at a time. We have an official opposition seemingly on the cusp of moving in for the kill. We have a second opposition party so tied up in knots on the issue of the long-gun registry that it's not even funny. And then there's the Bloc -- the big winners of Canadian federalism. The only guys in Ottawa who have more job security than the Bishop of Rome...

You've just got to hand it to Canadians. When it comes time to seriously muck it up, we're in a class by ourselves. Stagnation central.

Seriously, makes yours truly want to head for the closest ATV and race off for parts unknown.

But then one thinks of the miners and what they have to endure in Chile. Millions are praying for their safe rescue. Ditto.

I suppose our fate as well rests solely on waiting it out. Late September will soon be upon us. May it finally bring deliverance: in one form or another.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Stephen Harper Is Ruining My Summer!!!

Call me peculiar but I'm used to having Stephen Harper up close and personal across my television screen. I like it best when this Prime Minister is right in the thick of it -- so much better for the opposition when the PM plays a prominent role in wearing the mistakes of his government!

But things just aren't the same now that the man has gone AWOL. We're told he's up for a little R & R with his family. Damn! Again, I want that guy right in the face of Canadians. Doesn't Harper care that he's ruining MY summer???

But alas, things at least aren't exactly a disaster either without his presence: I've still got the census bonehead play to kick around -- not to mention the new shiny phallic toys headed DND's way. Could be worse.

Hell, with the PMO denying that Guy Giorno is on the way out, I certainly can't complain. But I will.

Come on Prime Minister. Be a pal. Cut short that damned vacation and get right back into the swing of things. After all, you know how much that would please me! Shouldn't that count for something?