Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Conservative "Majority" At Work...

God Bless This Prime Minister! I want to thank him for all the tremendous work he's done of late on behalf of Michael Ignatieff and the Liberal Party of Canada. Pretty decent of the man, if I do say so myself.

A case in point: Helena Guergis, who despite being cleared by both the RCMP and the Ethics Commissioner, will not be the Conservative standard bearer in Simcoe-Grey in the next campaign.

As reported in The Star yesterday, the Conservatives already have a candidate (whom I suppose has never heard of stepping aside - a novel concept that, apparently -- at least in Conservative circles) planning to run in the riding.

The Star reported that the CPC could very well lose in Simcoe-Grey in light of a recent poll if previous Conservative strength divides on election day.

Sans commentaire, as we say in French.

But Ladies and Gentlemen, please pay close attention to this situational drama. Remember that this is sadly typical of this Prime Minister's behaviour when Harper deliberately chooses to dig in his heels rather than having to deal with a possible loss of face. Ego also has something to do with it -- not to mention the warm regard felt for Rahim in Conservative quarters.

Just picture it as a sneak preview of how a Conservative majority government would operate under the direction of this PM. Instructive, isn't it. You might want to view it a quick glimpse of "coming attractions". Or you may come to the conclusion that perhaps it's time to seriously think again before casting your ballot in the next federal election.


  1. ROD, The fact Iggy is planning to continue his bus tour throughout the fall and winter tells me the Tories are ripe for the taking and Harpo will not back off defeating himself becasue he believes he has enough money and lies to swamp every other party in an election. happily the population has seen through that veneer and it won't happen again. Iggy has become a very good retail politician but also has solid platform planks coming down the pike that will be population friendly. He is marrying the negative jabs with positive platform stuff.......a winning combo in my humble opinion.

    The current polls have made us more than competitive as we ull away from the dippers and start to move level with the reformatorts.

  2. "Canadians are being forced to subsidize millionaire hockey team owners and that's a misconduct."
    - Stephen Harper, 2000

  3. ROD, the snippets from the article linked seem to tell a pretty sad tale of our current government:
    Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is what it has all come to. This is what passes for “competent economic management” for the Harper Conservatives. Should it be puzzling that the Harper Conservatives cling to the wholly ridiculous notion that they have credibility on matters of economic management?

    No, this was entirely predictable. Keep in mind that Harper’s career has involved being a political assistant, presiding briefly over a two-person, government-subsidized National Citizens Coalition, and being a member of Parliament. He has never worked a day in the private sector. He has never seen for himself how the wheels of the economy actually turn, because he has always been on the public payroll.

    And his international perspective? Well, even his first and subsequent trips abroad were entirely at the expense of the taxpayer. They didn’t take place until Harper was 46, after he became Leader of the Opposition.

    It is safe to therefore call Stephen Harper a political careerist. And political careerism is based on short-term expediency in the pursuit of long-term survival. It stresses political survival at all cost. That has been the hallmark of the Harper Conservatives. Responsible government, fiscal prudence, and the national interest be damned.

  4. Terry,

    That's what I had in mind when I coined the phrase quite a while back "The pretzel prime minister". But we have to concede one thing: up to this point he has outsmarted us -- all the political parties and their various operatives. He has lasted far longer than I expected, going on five years.

    That's why yours truly feels the urgency for an election all the way down to my fundamental core. I live to stop the clock on Stephen Harper's government. It's our job to not only outmanoeuver him tactically but to bring an end to this type of destructive Conservatism. This country will be far better off when that party finally comes to its senses and abandons the slash and burn politics of this Prime Minister.

  5. Ron

    Did you by any chance see the interview with Peter Mansbridge last night?

    Iggy came across very well. He's changed, improved, lost the pedantic tone. A bit more time and he'll out statesman Harper by a country mile. Now all we need are some clear Party policies and we're ready to remove this CRAP Govt !!
